OTC 2017

once again a great success!

As our par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in this event has al­re­a­dy been very suc­cess­ful in 2016, we pa­cked our bags this year again and set off for Hous­ton full of an­ti­ci­pa­ti­on.

Du­ring four days we had many excit­ing con­ver­sa­ti­ons and re­cei­ved in­te­res­ting in­qui­ries. In other words, our at­ten­dance at the OTC 2017 has once again been a great suc­cess!

Our CR clamp which de­lays crevice cor­ro­si­on has met with par­ti­cu­lar in­te­rest. Mo­re­o­ver, our noi­se-ab­sor­bing clamps ac­cor­ding to DIN 3015 for the oil and gas in­dus­try have been ano­ther high­light at our booth.